Listed below are the Field Day contacts made by our members…Kevin, VE4MR using CW, 83 contactsLloyd, VE4AEA using CW, 30 contactsGreg, VE4GKM, 25 contactsRick, VE4AV, 20 contactsJim, VE4JIM, 10 contactsBill, VE4WJM, 8 contacts Lloyd's-VE4AEA, power supply for Field Day 2020. Lloyd's-VE4AEA, fancy and patented antenna support system Field Day 2020. Bill-VE4WJM working field day with Jim-VE4JIM and Kevin-VE4MR on Zoom.... Greg-VE4GKM, voltage test on 24S4P Li-ion portable battery pack for 2020 Field Day, Greg-VE4GKM, 24S4P Li-ion waterproof battery pack for 2020 Field Day. Greg-VE4GKM, getting full..... Greg-VE4GKM, everything packed and ready to seal up..... Greg-VE4GKM, size comparison of a 20L container to a portable water proof container. Greg-VE4GKM, campsite for 2020 Field Day, Greg-VE4GKM, Icom 7300 and tuner for 2020 Field Day, 2020 Field Day, VE4GKM making contacts....using an Icom 7300 and a home made doublet, dipole antenna cut to about 16.75' each side and fed by ladder line into a manual tuner. Kevin-VE4MR contact list for 2020 Field Day.